Ambassify & 4P square: Our Partnership Explained

November 2022 marks the beginning of a business partnership between Ambassify and 4P square, a Marketing and Sales consultancy and freelance company. In this article, we want to explain the nature of our partnership and explore the advantages it offers not only to both parties involved but also to their customers.
4P square stands as a prominent marketing and sales consultancy and freelance company. With a database of over 2500 consultants, it has emerged as one of Belgium's leading consulting firms in its field. When companies require specialized expertise to achieve their marketing or sales goals or seek temporary reinforcement for their teams, 4P square steps in to offer tailored solutions.
Their team comprises highly skilled consultants, ranging from seasoned experts with years of experience to fresh-minded juniors well-versed in the latest trends.
It can sometimes be a real challenge to keep employees connected to the company, especially for consultancy firms, which is why in the quest for a solution to increase both employee engagement and brand awareness, 4P square crossed paths with Ambassify.
How Ambassify helps 4P square amplify its advocacy efforts
Besides working alongside Ambassify as a partner, 4P square is also a proud customer of ours insofar as they utilize the Ambassify platform internally, too.
The main use case they are focusing on is Employer Branding. 4P square employees who joined the company’s online community on Ambassify are now active ambassadors. On a weekly basis, 4P square admins upload different campaigns to encourage employee ambassadors to share, like, or comment on company content. On top of that, they have activated gamification features — namely, the point system, leaderboards, and rewards section — that keep the ambassadors engaged, adding that extra layer of motivation.
By focusing on their Employer Brand, staying active in the community, and thus sharing and interacting with a lot of employer branding-related content, employees see two kinds of benefits. On the one hand, they have the chance to stay connected and up-to-date with everything related to 4P square; on the other, they are constantly updating their knowledge on Employer Branding that helps them in their daily work with clients and external projects.
A synergistic partnership
By combining the excellence of the Ambassify platform with the expertise of 4P square, a refreshing and potent collaboration emerged. This partnership yields exceptional benefits not only for 4P square and Ambassify themselves but also, in turn, for their other partners and customers.
Step up your game with 4P square's whitepaper on Employer Branding
Download NOWAs a SaaS provider, Ambassify provides a solution, software that enables companies to activate their employee advocacy strategy and work towards the desired results. What we have noticed in our experience is that companies sometimes would like to have a more present and experienced set of eyes and hands to really craft the best strategy to maximize the efforts of the employees and truly achieve their targets.
That’s why by partnering up with 4P square, we aim to provide common customers with a fully rounded experience, where Ambassify is the solution provider — committed to tailoring the platform and features to the needs of each individual client, a speedy and complete onboarding process, and ongoing customer support — and 4P square lends its highly trained and experienced Marketing professionals to bring to the table the excellent expertise in executing advocacy strategies by providing a series of services to those clients — from strategy planning to execution, copywriting, design, etc.
Rik Lagey, Account Executive & Partner at Ambassify: “Successful partnerships are always based on trust and understanding. Trust in the partners' in-depth expertise, knowledge, and reliability. Trust in like-minded business visions, skills and ethics. And definitely trust in a final win-win for our common customers! In Paul and 4P square I have that trust. What even leads to semi business/private moments to support our common footballteam we're fan of.”
What's in store for the future?
That is ultimately why we decided to partner up and formalize our working relationship, to put the excellence of the Ambassify platform and the professionalism and expertise of 4P square consultants to the service of those companies who are looking to step up their Marketing strategy and leverage the powerful weapon that is their employees.
It’s safe to say, then, that our journey together is far from over. Countless learning opportunities await, and the intention is to explore them to the fullest to be able to bring the most value to each other and also to our customers. When 1 + 1 results in 3, the logical step is to continue together and explore new possibilities.